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8 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage

Updated: May 30, 2020

Every marriage needs adventure, unexpected surprises, a love boost, and some added heat once in a while, right? With full-time jobs, kids at home, and endless day-to-day tasks, it's easy to fall into a comfortable (and let's face it — boring) routine with your spouse. But adding a little spice to your love life is easy. Try one (or more!) of these simple steps to put the romance back in your marriage.

Send flirty text messages.

to get you started.

Hold Hands

Remember the thrill you got the first time your spouse held your hand? Affection is an easy way to feel closer to your partner, no matter how small the gesture seems. Hold hands while walking the dog, cuddle on the couch while watching TV, or play footsie under the table while eating dinner--all of these are an easy way to let your partner know you love him.

Buy something racy.

Forget your comfy, cotton p.j.s, and buy something that will grab your husband’s attention, like a personalized panty with saying that only he and you would understand.

Be Romantic at Home

Romantic isn't usually a word used to describe a simple meal in, but creating a date-night atmosphere in your own home isn't hard to do. Plan a night at home to have dinner for two once the kids are asleep. Dim the lights, light some candles, get dressed up and enjoy the romantic atmosphere in the comfort of your own home.

Have Sex

Let's be honest--sex is essential to staying connected to your partner, but we don't always make time for it. Keep the spark alive by making sex a priority. No matter how busy your schedule is, we guarantee you can find the time. And while you're at it, be bold and try something new. Changing up your usual routine is a sure-fire way to reignite the spark.

Do Something Just Because

Don't wait for a special occasion to cook your husband his favorite meal or to buy your wife a gift--do it "just because." Write your spouse a love letter and tuck it in his briefcase, or pick up her favorite flowers on your way home from work one day. Little gestures can go a long way in showing how much you care.

Pretend You Just Met

Treat your spouse the way you did when you first met. Go watch a sunset, try new a new recipe, go ride bikes --in other words, make an effort to plan dates and have fun like you used to. Pick one night every month, so the good intentions turn into reality. Just because you're married doesn't mean you can't still have fun together like the good old days.

Compliment Your Spouse

Who doesn't love getting a compliment? Think of all the good qualities your partner has, and make an effort to compliment her at least once a day. It's a nice way to let her know you appreciate her, and it will make her think about the things she likes about you, too.

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